How can I hack a Gmail Account?

Claudia Kenneth
11 min readApr 7, 2021


Do you want to know hot to hack a gmail account? One of the most popular email services available today is Gmail. We also have Yahoo! mail, AOL, Proton mail and a host of others. Yahoo mail used to be the most widely used email service in the beginning of the century but email service provision has been dominated by Gmail in recent years. Gmail is a short form for Google mail. It is an open-source platform where emails can be sent with a 15GB storage space on sign-up.

Every day, internet searches related to hacking Gmail accounts or Google continue to dominate hacking searches on the internet. In fact, hacking Gmail or Google is the second most searched account hacking topic on the internet, the first being how to hack a Facebook account.
Having access to a Google account gives access not only to Gmail but also to other Google services such as YouTube, Drive, Hangouts, e.t.c. A lot of people actually think that hacking a Google or Gmail account is quite easy and that all that is needed is a hacking tool but in all sense of sincerity, it is easier said than done. In fact, Gmail is not something you can easily crack. For a well-established organisation like Google, it goes without saying that they will have a lot of exceptional developers working day and night to secure the service.

Through the Bug Bounty Program, white-hat hackers and security researchers report security vulnerabilities to Google. These people are often rewarded and Google then takes necessary actions to fix the vulnerabilities. That does not however mean that a Gmail account cannot be hacked. With the right information and appropriate tools, a Gmail account can be hacked.

Hacking a gmail account

Like we always say, make sure you are familiar with the relevant laws in your jurisdiction as some of the things we will be talking about might be deemed illegal. It is therefore important that you deploy these tools and knowledge in the way and manner for which they are intended.
We reiterate that this article is for educational purposes and must not be used for malicious purposes.

In this article, we will be discussing ways you can hack a Gmail account. But before we get into the discussion proper, it is important to know why someone might be interested in hacking a Gmail account.

Why would someone want to hack a Gmail Account?

The advent of computers and several other electronic tools ushered the world into the digital age some decades ago. These technologies may have sounded a death knell on the ways of the past as communications have almost become entirely electronic, as such, there is little or no paper trail anymore. These days, all it takes to know virtually everything about someone is to have access to their social media accounts, mails, texts and chats which are all in an electronic form.

Folks, our lives are our gadgets these days. Formal and informal interactions have been replaced with various electronic means of communication. With the enormous amount of conversations that people have on their devices and through various electronic means of communication, it is not surprising why someone might be interested in having access to someone else’s Gmail account.

For some, it might just be an obsession, they just want to see what someone they have a crush on is up to, who they are seeing and what he or she is talking about in his or her mails. Parents might also be interested in the kind of communications their children are having. Children can be very vulnerable on these platforms as there have been cases of cyber bullying and exposure to inappropriate content. For these reasons, many parents might want to have access to the mails sent and received by their children.

Spouses might also be interested in their partner’s emails for reasons that have to do with suspicions of spousal infidelity. Often times, a husband or wife might notice certain signs that could be pointers to a cheating spouse. In order to have concrete proof and find proof for their suspicions, they resort to finding ways they can have access to their spouse’s mails without their knowledge. Some organizations also monitor the mails sent and received by employees using company issued devices. This is to ensure that employees are not sharing sensitive information or having conversations that are inimical to the interest of the organization.

Ways to hack a Gmail account

Even though we reiterate that hacking a Gmail account can prove very difficult, we submit that it is possible and can be done. In the discussion below, we have outlined a number of ways this can be done. We reiterate that this article is intended for educational purposes only, we do not sanction the malicious use of these information in any way.


One of the most widely used technique for hacking a Gmail account password is phishing. The chances of successfully hacking a Gmail account are very high with this technique. This method does not really require expert or technical knowledge to get a phishing page which might explain why this method is very popular these days.

Phishing is a process of creating a duplicate copy of a reputed website’s page with the intention of stealing a user’s password or other sensitive information. In the context of hacking a Gmail account, it would require creating a page which looks exactly like a Gmail login page but with a different URL like or which the intending user might not easily detect. When a user clicks on this URL, the link will take them to a Gmail log in page lookalike where they will be required to enter their username and password. Once they do this, their account sign in information will be sent to the hacker that created the phishing page.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is another way one can hack a Gmail account. This method does not require actual hacking per se in that it is basically a process of gathering information about someone whose account you need to hack or have access to. For this hacking method, you need information like the person’s date of birth, place of birth, native place, nickname, mobile number, boyfriend / girlfriend’s mobile number, mother’s name and maiden name e.t.c. The standard for most websites is to have a password reset option that requires choosing a security question. Typical questions are “what is your mother’s maiden name?”, “what is your nick name?”, “what is the name of your birth place?” So having gathered some information about the would be target, one might be able to provide answers to the person’s security question thereby having access to the person’s Gmail account.


This tool is used to record the keystrokes of a computer. With this tool, you can record what is being typed on a computer keyboard and store it for use. Keyloggers run in the background. This tool records all the keys pressed and gives you a detailed report of when and what keys are used for what application. From the keylogger logs, one might see the Gmail password of an account and other sensitive information such as bank account details and passwords and credit card details.

Plain Grabbing Password

This is another widely used method of hacking a Gmail account. The method requires targeting a low quality website that the intended victim must have signed up on. All the hacker has to do is hack the website’s database and get stored username and password. Since most people use the same username and password for different websites where they are a registered member, having access to the user name and password automatically gives the hacker the account user name and the password of the intended target’s Gmail account. Alternatively, the hacker can also create a website with the intention of using it to have access to a person’s Gmail account. So whenever a user signs up on that particular website, their registration details will be stored on their database and with that, they can easily have access to someone’s Gmail account.

Trojan Horses

This is a malicious program that is used to control and spy on a computer. These Trojan horses can come in many forms and they can also infect your computer system through various means. For instance, a software, pdf file or media files that you think is legit and harmless might actually be a Trojan horse. In most cases, the intended target will not even know his or her system has been infected with a Trojan horse. Trojan horses run in the background whilst processing, collecting and sending the needed information to the hacker. This hacking tool records the Gmail password as it is being typed in the browser and then sends it to the hacker through the internet.

Monitoring/Spy Apps

A Gmail account and password can also be hacked using a spy app. In fact, a number of these spy apps offer the keylogger feature that can help you record the person’s gmail password as it is being typed. From the keylogger log, you can see a record of what they typed and the apps for which they are intended. The website of thetruthspy claims their app can extract the data of a Gmail account along with the password. Spyzie and a host of others also offer similar features that might help you hack a Gmail account.


Hacking is not as malicious as most people believe. In fact, it is now widely accepted than ever before. You may have the need to do this in order to keep an eye on your kids, spouse, or even your friend has forgotten the password to his Gmail account. If you have an urgent need to hack Gmail account password for free, then the method I will be showing you will do the trick. As complex as the word ‘hack’ may sound, it is pretty easy when you are working with the right tools. A lot of websites claim to hack Gmail account and ask you to pay a sign-up fee. Most of these sites are scams and always disappoint those who sign-up with them.

But I am here to show you the most effective tool on how to hack Gmail account for free. Although there are varied options like creating a phishing website to hack any person’s Gmail account that interests you or resetting the password attached to the Gmail account that you are monitoring and spying on, the one method that stands head and shoulders above others is the use of Keylogger.

What is Keystroke Logging?

The first question that pops into your mind will be what is keystroke logging? Well, it isn’t anything complex. Keystroke logging, sometimes called keylogging or keyboard capturing, is an act of recording the keys struck on a keyboard. That is, every key you press on your keyboard-be it mobile or desktop- will be recorded by this tool. All this is done without the monitored party having a clue that he is being spied on so you can retrieve all the information that you need without the other party having a clue.

In former times, let’s say a decade or two, most keylogging was done by professional hackers. Men and women with programming skills had to basically write a keylogging program in order to monitor a targeted device. Although this was quite effective, it took time to get it on the road. With the subsequent rise in cell phone monitoring software, it has become easier to harness the infinite possibilities keystroke logging presents. Spy apps now come with pre-installed keylogger feature which takes away the need to write a keylogging program.


A lot of monitoring solutions are out there promising to give you value for your money but a lot never do as they say. So after a lot of extensive research, we have been able to collate the spy apps that meets our standards for you.

I will quickly run through what you stand to gain by using spy apps instead of considering other options.

  • Store all of the information the target device enters (email addresses, passwords)
  • Track live GPS location of target smartphone
  • View contact information, call logs, spy messages, hack iCloud account, and other data.
  • Access the information you need from anywhere on the online dashboard
  • Hack social media passwords (Facebook, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Kik) and any social platform that catches your fancy.

Quickly, let us go to the monitoring solutions that we believe will be best for your particular need. You can choose across a wide option of Spyzie, Highster Mobile, KidsGuard, Flexispy, MSpy. These solutions are top of the food chain and offer returns for your money.

Using Spy Apps to Hack Gmail Account

Keylogging with spy apps is the best method you can use if you are inexperienced in hacking. Once you hack into Gmail account with these spy apps keylogger feature, using it with other platforms is just a formality. I will highlight the steps you can take to make this guide useful to you.

  • Go to the official website of any of the highlighted spy apps
  • Sign up and fill in the required details
  • Enter the device owner’s name, age, and choose the correct operating system
  • If the device operating system is an Android, then you need to install an APK from the official website. Go to ‘settings’ on your device and select ‘unknown sources’
  • If you are using iOS device, all you need is the Apple ID and password of the target device.
  • Open the spy app and “Grant” permissions for the application to work properly.
  • Finish installation by clicking “Start Now” and returning the target device.
  • Go to the web browser and sign in to your account.
  • Enable the “Keylogger” option. Whenever the target device owner log into their Gmail account their password will store for you to access.

From here on out you have complete access to unrestricted information at your fingertips.


Getting into someone’s email without them knowing is very much possible. I know you might doubt this due to the advanced notification service most smartphones now offer. Is it out of the equation? No.

Keylogging is the best method you can easily retrieve Gmail log in details without the account owner knowing. It records all keyboard inputs on the target device. mSpy is one of the best keyloggers out there. You can use this to hack into someone’s Gmail account without them getting a notification.

All you have to do is go to the official website, pay for a subscription plan that suits you, and install the app on the target device. Once it is installed on the target phone, it will run in the background and the owner will never know. Once they log into their Gmail account, it will automatically capture the keystrokes used to login. What is interesting about this is you don’t just get to grab the login details but have access to a complete record of all conversations within the Gmail account.

If you are concerned about the mental health of your children online due to online predators, cyberbullies, scammers then this is the best solution for you. You will also be able to remotely monitor information received and sent from your online control panel.

For further questions and hacking services contact,,


telegram: alienm4nhackers

skype: alienm4n

call / text : +16469229088

Originally published at on April 7, 2021.

